
G&A Methodology to Public Offerings of Company Securities 1st Edition

List Price : R1499.00 incl VAT, excl delivery. 

This book deals with public offerings of company securities based on the Companies Act No 71 of 2008 (“Act”) as amended. The book combines the sections of the Act with Regulations published in 2011, which enables you to understand what is required to issue a prospectus or a letter of allocation. The Act and the Regulations are very prescriptive in how to deal with these specific documents and what is required to offer securities as a primary or secondary offer. The book also advises you, based on the Act, on what your rights are as an investor once you have invested or are about to invest in a company.

Find out why an offer of securites can only be made in terms of Section 101. Secondary Offers can only be made after a prospectus has been filed or written statement is made.  Only a Public Company can issue a prospectus, so where does that leave private and personal liability companies? What are the implications for the transfering of securities if its is unlawful to trade in the securities of private or personal liability companies?

The book should be on the desk of any director, financial adviser, corporate financier, sponsor or any person in the legal or accounting profession who deals with public offerings of securities. The reported legal cases give you the ability to read further on the subject and purchasing the book gives you access to the library on this website, which contains the actual judgements, examples of pleadings, business plans and other interesting documents. This website is constantly updated and maintained to provide the newest information that becomes available on public offerings and securities. 

Price: R1,499.00
